
Management Company


To become a hi-tech, innovative, and highly sustainable mining company delivering excellence to the world.


To be an Organization of rank that has strong resonance domestically and globally and connotes high quality, knowledge-intensive solutions; sets standards and expectations for Global Mining Industry.


Develop the Green technologies required to promote more efficient and sustainable operations to achieve zero waste in the industry


We seek to build a strong and lasting relationship with our stakeholders, work with high ethical standards, have transparent management, and actively contribute to advances related to the environment, biodiversity, and sustainable development.

Water/ Waste Management

Mine/ Tailing Management

Mine Closures

Community Development

Solutions that we provide

Environmental Engineering and Management Services

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Environmental: Preservation of our natural world

  • Climate change
  • Carbon emission reduction
  • Water pollution and water scarcity
  • Air pollution
  • Deforestation
  • Greenhouse gas emissions

Social: Consideration of humans and our inter-dependencies

  • Customer success
  • Data hygiene and security
  • Gender and diversity inclusion
  • Community relations
  • Mental health

Governance: Logistics and defined process for running a business or organization

  • Board of directors and its makeup
  • Executive compensation guidelines
  • Political contributions and lobbying
  • Venture partner compensation
  • Hiring and on-boarding best practices
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural, and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. Environmental Impact Assessment includes this below-mentioned list of studies

Environmental and Social Management Planning (ESMP)
The purpose of the ESMP is to ensure that social and environmental impacts, risks, and liabilities identified are effectively managed during the construction, operation, and closure of the proposed project.
Environmental Baseline Studies (EBS)
An Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) is a soil and groundwater investigation carried out to: Establish the baseline level of potential contaminants in the soil and groundwater beneath the site. Assess the extent of contamination of the site.
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)
The process of assessing potential harm to the environment caused by a substance, activity or natural occurrence. This may include the introduction of GM plants, the use of pesticides, or the spread of plant pests.
Environmental Emergency Response Planning (ERRP)
The ERP is a plan designed to provide guidelines, strategies, information and data that will allow the definition of logical, technical and administrative procedures to be followed in cases of accidents and emergencies.
Evaluating Performance: Monitoring and Auditing
Auditing represents evaluation activities completed by individuals independent of the process on a periodic basis and monitoring represents evaluation activities completed by individuals who may not independent of the process on a routine or continuous basis
Analytical and Technical Services
Its mission is to provide specialized, customer-focused, value-added support services contributing to the ESF missions of instruction, research, and public service.
Solutions that we provide

Strategic Environment Management

SEA Process has been itemized by the following nine steps.


Preliminary activities and decision of Terms of References (TOR)




Study of baseline data


Strategic environmental assessment and evaluation


Evaluation of alternative measures


Assessment of alternative measures


Preparation of final documents




Monitoring, measurement and control opportunities for resource transformation and project implementation and its strategic environmental assessment process.